Single I Andrea De Luca – I Just Can’t Get It


With the second single “I JUST CAN’T GET IT” from the upcoming album, which will be released by Andrea De Luca on BLUES NOTE RECORDS, the Italian bluesman shows once again that he has nothing to hide from the “BIG BLUES BROTHER” from the USA when it comes to authentic and grooving blues music!

A really successful piece of modern electric blues, which also fuels expectations for the upcoming album!

After the first single ‘Cry For Peace Child’, which was really well received in Europe, the next one is now being released on the Blues Note Records label.

With ‘I Just Can’t Get It’, the Italian blues musician presents a wonderful modern electric blues number that spreads a good mood and perfectly demonstrates his skills as a musician on both lead and lap steel guitar. The music and songwriting can easily hold their own with international productions. With his second single, Andrea De Luca once again knows how to convince.


Andrea De Luca - I Just Can't Get It