Review: Kai Strauss – Greetings From Grolloo


Kai Strauss - Greetings From Grolloo

Kai Strauss – Greetings From Grolloo
Format: Digital / Label Continental Record Services
Release: 2024

Text: Pascal Wilhelm

On this sampler CD, Kai Strauss states he feels like a guest in the house of the blues (Guest Into The House Of The Blues). I think he should not consider himself to be a guest, that’s way to modest for a guy of his stature; he’s the real deal.

I appreciate his modern, richly orchestrated and soulful, funky approach (listen to Bad Loser) with his mature guitar playing and voice in the foreground. He managed to shape his voice very nicely, however, lyrically he tends to be a bit superficial. For example, what is The Future And The Past about? Just about someone pondering and drinking? But what about? In Stand Strong Together he shares some important points (climate change, Covid – 19), but where is Kai Strauss in the story? Even Bad Loser seems not to apply to himself. The song reflects the end of the U.S. Trump Administration, disguised as a love triangle.

While this is clever songwriting, it’s also not too personal. So, the song themes are rather general, never disclosing anything about who he is, or what he is going through. Night Shift Blues is an instrumental. Nicely played and recorded, showcasing his ability to deliver high-quality modern blues. But just that. While I am not totally aware of his oeuvre, this sampler is all form with too little substance. Kai, show us what is really on your mind, that would make your music way more interesting.

Free downloadable sampler is via this link:

QR Code

01. Guest In The House Of The Blues
02. Bad Loser
03. The Future And The Past
04. Stand Strong Together
05. Night Shift Blues (video)
