Amanda Anne Platt & The Honeycutters – The Ones That Stay


Amanda Anne Platt & The Honeycutters - The Ones That Stay

Amanda Anne Platt & The Honeycutters – The Ones That Stay
Format: CD
Label: Mule Kick Records
Release: 2024

Release date: August 9, 2024

The music of Asheville, North Carolina-based outfit Amanda Anne Platt & The Honeycutters is nuanced, bringing insight and wit to the stories Platt tells through songwriting. The band’s lyrically driven country roots music often inspires introspection, whether it be about life on the road, heartache, or hope

The album, recorded and produced by Scott McMicken of Dr. Dog and Greg Cartwright of Reigning Sound (together, Frog House Productions), delves into the beauties and trials of genuine life relationships, contemplating every aspect of human emotion. Platt’s plain-talk poetry connects on a guttural level in tracks like “Big Year” and “Forget Me Not Blue” The mood of each tune on the record is complemented by the player’s easy grooves drenched in warm melodic tones.

Platt’s charming wit and empathy shine in her writing. She has a knack for accessing a deep well of sentiment and applying it to her story-telling. Whether she is writing from her own experiences or immersing herself in the melody of emotions in another person’s life, The conviction is palpable.

Performing along with Platt, The Honeycutters are Matt Smith (pedal steel and electric guitars), Rick Cooper (bass/vocals), Evan Martin (drums/vocals), and Kevin Williams (keys/vocals.
