Review: Bywater Call – Shepherd


Bywater Call - Shepherd

Bywater Call – Shepherd
Format: CD – Vinyl LP – Digital / Label: Continental Record Services
Release: 2024

Text: Bert van Kessel

Imagine this: it’s Mardi Gras Night in heaven. The band assembles on stage. There is Otis Redding, Janis Joplin, Lowell George, Sly Stone, Dr. John, Robbie Robertson and The Memphis Horns. This is what Bywater Call sounds like on their third album. Their eponymous debut album from 2019 was amazing, its successor Remain’ from 2022 even more overwhelming and with this new one they surpass them both.

In every article about this seven-piece from Toronto the term ‘powerhouse’ pops up. Never before has this classification been more justified. Every individual musician is a powerhouse in their own right and especially so vocalist extraordinaire Meghan Parnell. Together they will bring any house down, redefining concepts like ‘drive’ and ‘energy’.

The band kicks off with a true southern rock anthem Everybody Knows. The promising intro features Dave Barnes’ scorching slide guitar before Meghan bursts in; with great support from John Kervin’s organ and with superb backing vocals she leads us to an enchanting finale with piano and horns, sublimated by a dazzling guitar solo.

Then the band takes its foot off the throttle for a few minutes for the convincing, beautiful ballad Colours. With support from an acoustic guitar Meghan delivers some truly heartfelt vocals and makes us feel her pain. Its ending is anthemic again with a sublime background choir and some smashing horns. A sizzling keyboard provides the final touch. A very funky organ with a New Orleans vibe leads up to hit single Sweet Maria, on which vocals, slide and horns interact exceptionally. It also features a driving keyboard solo.

The lively, bluesy rocker Holler features great, hard-hitting vocals from Meghan and For All We Know shows the band at their rootsiest; electric and acoustic guitars constitute a warm bed for Meghan’s vocals to shine on.

Roll is a cheerful number, which takes you back to the heydays of soul[ Aretha nods approvingly]. The horns add a funny touch over a catchy bass line. Turn It Around takes us to the Mardi Gras with an impressive slide and a jazzy sax.

Now And Never again displays the sheer joy the band must have experienced when recording these tracks. Especially the horns go wild at times. As if combines funk and soul in the best Sly Stone tradition with the amazing rhythm section at their very best.

The closing track Sign Of Peace sees the band going all out on this New Orleans party number. The enthusiastic horns frolic all over the place, bound together by a tasteful piano.

This fantastic band is sensational on stage; they will be touring Europe this autumn. Don’t miss out!


01. Everybody Knows
02. Colours
03. Sweet Maria
04. Holler
05. For All We Know
06. Roll
07. Turn It Around
08. Now and Never
09. As if
10. Sign Of Peace

Meghan Parnell – Lead Vocals
Dave Barnes – Guitars
Stephen Dyte – Trumpet and Valve Trombone
John Kervin – Keyboards, Background Vocals
Bruce McCarthy – Drums and Percussion
Mike Meusel – Bass Guitar, Background Vocals
Julian Nalli – Saxophones
