Single I Albert Castiglia – Mama, I Love You (featuring Kevin Burt)

“ ’Mama, I Love You’ was written a few years back after witnessing a black man getting killed on camera at the hands of a white man for no reason other than fear and hate. It wasn’t the first time I had witnessed such an act but after the last time, I couldn’t hold back the overwhelming feelings of sadness and rage

I pitched the song to my friend Kevin Burt, who is African American, for him to sing on his next album but he felt that the message would be more powerful if I, a white man were to sing it. He telling me that took me a while to process because I just didn’t feel that way at the time. Later on as the song evolved and developed musically and lyrically, I warmed up to the idea of singing it but I suggested that we do it as a duet. I wrote the song, but Kevin and bass legend Jerry Jemmott added so much to the tune in the studio that I gave them songwriting credit as well. It was an honor and a privilege to create this with them.”

​Albert adds, “When I write songs, they’re usually fueled by intense joy, sadness and anger. That’s just how it is with me. The concept of racism is something I will never understand. For someone to hate another based on the color of their skin befuddles me and makes me furious to no end. There’s never been a place for it and I feel it’s hindered this country’s ability to reach its full potential, and I say this as a loyal American. I love this country very much, but there is still much left to be done here in terms of race relations and understanding one another.” — Albert Castiglia


Albert Castiglia - Mama, I Love You (feat. Kevin Burt)